
Tongva MMIW
trafficked by


Letter in case of death

My experience calling national trafficking hotline

Letter to san bernardino courts

San Bernardino county corrupt

Summary of trafficking


Superhero Origin story

Masonic Lodge

Subway series


Contains :

• Pedophilia by mother, mothers side of the family, and more

• Trafficked by mother as Child etc

• Corruption/pedophilia in daycares, schools, cps/dcfs, courts, public services, churches, religion etc

• Trafficking/pedophilia/torture/murder/gang & politics affiliations etc by masons, illuminati their affiliates.

• Trafficking by national trafficking hotline, polaris. O.U.R. (operation underground railroad) & their affiliates

• Various psyops by corruption in masonry, illuminati, and their affiliates etc.

• Corruption in various industries etc
Celebrities , Industries : Music , Fashion, Film, etc exposed

• Influencers , media exposed

• Politics exposed

  • Part 1
    Intro : I have been labor trafficked since 2015 by current mason/illuminati traffickers. In order to understand how this has happenedYou have to understand a bit of backstory which I will try to quickly summarize. I did a podcast with Sacred Lovisa where I talk about it in more depth. LINK HERE Native born to a family with pedophiles protected. I spoke against the pedophilia only to be hurt and put down for speaking. I spoke about the pedophilia which at the time starting saying it I was under a year old and I did not know it was calledContinue reading “Part 1”
  • Part 2
    It’s crazy because even though evil things happened I was always so positive in a way even though I am dark. I used to always want to see the good in people.More and more though as everythings unveiled I have been forced to really really REALLY see how evil people can be. I had hoped my ex would realize and just co parent respectfully with me. Instead when I left him with everything he bleached my clothes, ruined my classes, lied and slandered about me to our Daughter and everyone he could all while messaging me disgustingly etc and plottingContinue reading “Part 2”
  • Part 3
    I registered for classes and classes started out good. As usual I checked out max HUGE books and carried most with me and left a few at my Grandmas/moms. One day I was running late for a speech test. I ran out of my moms house. Called my Grandma for a ride.No ride available. I’m running out the gate as a guy from my old HS walks in with car keys and his car right in front of the gate. So I said“Hey Dylan, can you give me a ride to school? It’s not far. I’m in a hurry.” HeContinue reading “Part 3”